

It was my first snow wedding.  Driving from Southern Delaware I hit a nasty bit of snow in mid-Delaware but by the time I reached Philadelphia, the snow was just perfect.  Allie's family has a history of January weddings and you couldn't really ask for a better day.  You want it to look like January right?  Although, my fingers went numb after being outside for an hour.

It was a well planned day.  Even the first dance was choreographed, with the entire bridal party getting into the mix.  You can check it all out plus more in their highlight video. 
Allie + Mike
Videography:  Christopher Rodgers  Forever Lucky Films
Music: My Brightest Diamond "Feeling Good" cover
          Ghostland Observatory
Location : Old Mary's Church, Philadelphia, PA; Cescaphe, Philadelphia PA
Photography:  Gerard Tomko Photography


Facebook Discount

As a way to promote our Facebook Page. We're offering $100 off any package for anyone who joins. Sounds pretty easy to me.

Go here and or scroll to the bottom of this page to JOIN.


Kellie + Jim

I have written in the past of the excitement of a New York wedding and you've seen the first half of Kellie and Jim's wedding. In the first half I didn't post too many of the day's most memorable moments, but I corrected that though in the final cut.

Such a beautiful day.

Kellie + Jim
Videography:  Christopher Rodgers  Forever Lucky Films
Music: Peter Gabriel "Flume" cover of Bon Iver  Find it at Amazon
          Eddie Vedder "Rise.  Find it at Amazon
Location : Hudson Theater, New York, NY
Photography:  Jessica Lauren Photography


Online Proofs

I've been using Vimeo for a few years to display video. It's not as cluttered as Youtube and the quality is fantastic. Yesterday, they announced they've ramped up the size of the video you can upload to 5gb. That's huge. Now we'll be able to upload your extended version in HD or near HD level and they're downloadable. This comes a day after I ordered some custom DVD covers from Etsys to send my proofs in.

So now couples can have the choice, via mail or via vimeo. Choice is good.


Creative Exercises

I was cleaning out some memory cards and found about 20seconds of footage from a local Halloween Parade.  I took mostly photos but shot some video as well just to have. Usually just to have means to just delete in a few days.

Having edited nothing but weddings for the last 8 months or so I needed some time of break and decided if I could use that 20seconds and make it into a 5 minute video.   This will likely give you a head ache but here is the result.  Music is Ghost Symbol by Yeah Ghost.