
Refreshed and Ready

My wife and I have recently returned from a short trip to Burlington. We venture up to this little Hamlet in Vermont every Spring. One last taste of winter. It's also the moment I shift from a left to right brained person. In the winter, I'm selling, booking, and planning. When I return I'm Shooting, Editing and Writing.

For the last four years, we've gone to Burlington; basically to enjoy the amazing food and craft brews. Our favorites, The Skinny PancakeMagnolia Bistro and American Flatbread use only local ingredients -creatively with impressive results. Amazingly, the same people who worked there four years ago are still working there now.

Every year we talk about moving to Vermont, but quikly shoot it down for a million reasons.. However, there is a spirit there that refreshes us and inspires my work. It's the reason why we keep coming back.  As for Forever Lucky Films, I love having clients as happy as I am as clients of those establishments.

I'm excited to offer new products this year. I'm more excited to give the established products new fresh ingredients. I have 350 shooting hours upcoming to turn into things you've never seen.  Can't wait to show you.

Keep up with our work or add your own favs at our facebook page.  Go ahead and like us even.


More than just Dead Houses

I can't tell you what it is exactly, but I'm engrossed by all things abandoned of late.   Here in Southern Delaware and Maryland, I'm finding mostly homes cast off on large farms.   Some I drive by every day.  With each passing storm the structures decay.  Some days a few shingles are blown off and other days a roof succumbs and takes the home or barn down with it.

So as I drive to appointments or on errands I always take my camera. I enjoy photographing these homes that once sheltered families and celebrated life within their walls as there is no guaranteed they'll last another day. 

Thankfully Spring is here and that will mean my work multiplies week to week, but also it means these homes get new life. Tulips planted decades ago come back as if nothing ever changed.  Rose bushes bloom taller and wider on their own then they ever would be allowed if someone lived there.  In some cases entire fields, left to their own accord, develop a new landscapes; such as the blankets of purple flowers that border a tattered barn in the picture above left.

For more pictures of dead houses check out my flickr page


Last Minute Shoppers - Spring Savings

Forever Lucky Film has a jammed packed summer awaiting, however the next couple months are not so jammed packed. We'd love to extend a 20% discount on our Exclusive or Standard packages for anyone getting married between now and June 1st. Pass this along to anyone you know who would benefit. At minimum thats $500 in savings. Pretty good right?